What You Should Know Before Installing Heat Shield on Your Vehicle

· Outdoors

Vehicles are made to be driven in all kinds of climates but that doesn't mean that they perform at their best. Optimal conditions are not always on the horizon but you should always strive to keep your vehicle running optimally keeping in check with temperature levels. While low temperatures mean you need to give your vehicle some time before you start driving it, high temperatures mean that you need to give it some rest time.

High temperatures inside of the engine bay may cause issues with engine oil and the battery too. Heat can also affect the cooling system which is also found in the engine bay as well as the air conditioning system. To prevent internal components from getting affected by high heat levels consider installing a heat shield.

Benefits of Heat Shields

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source: lotustalk.com


No matter if its heat coming from the sun or internal components, you can easily protect those components or ones surrounding them with a heat shield. This way you prolong the lifespan of engine bay components. People buy heat shield to protect other components too such as the exhaust system.


Another important factor for the installation of a vehicle heat shield is the safety of you and other occupants. By installing a heat shield on components that are affected by heat the most you eliminate the chances of them getting damaged. Damaged components are at a higher risk of causing a fire or issues with other vehicle systems that can easily cause an accident.

When to Install a Heat Shield


When you're driving your car if there occurs to be a persistent burning smell you should definitely stop as soon as you can and check it out. If this burning smell occurs often you should get the engine checked by a mechanic and consider installing a heat shield.


If the temperature gauge of your vehicle is more on the right side than the left you should definitely have the cooling systems checked out. Usually, the gauge should not be going left and right all the time, there should be slight changes in temperatures unless you rev your car a lot. In this case, it is also advisable to buy heat shield and install it on components that are affected by the rise in temperature the most.

Other Types of Heat Shield Solutions

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source:  paceperformance.com


A heat barrier is a product that is used to protect from radiant heat. This is why they are usually placed about 2.5 cm away from the heat source. Heat in the engine is inevitable which is why barriers often help retain it from affecting other components. Usually, heat barriers are made from silica, fibreglass, and aluminium or they can also be ceramic. Ceramic heat barriers are the best at retaining heat as anything made from ceramics is able to withstand high temperatures without being affected by them. Typically ceramic heat barriers last the longest too as long as you install them properly.


To keep heat in a certain place or from passing through onto a component it's best that you use insulators. Mainly insulators prevent heat from spreading over to another component rather than just affecting it. Heat shield insulators like barriers are also made from fibreglass but unlike barriers, heat insulators can have special coatings on them.

Heat insulators are usually able to withstand temperatures up to 260° C if they are made from aluminium. Aluminium is only able to stop about 50% or even less radiant heat too. But if you go for heat insulators that make use of basalt then you can expect it to withstand temperatures up to 600 °C.


Heat wrap can be both an insulator or a barrier depending on what it's made of. Mainly heat warps are used on exhaust pipes or the header to prevent too much heat from entering the exhaust system. You can use a heat shield warp on other components in the engine bay such as the AC system or cooling systems to keep heat from the neigh from affecting them. The big advantage of heat shield wrap is that it is super flexible, meaning you can apply it almost everywhere. You don't get this level of versatility with barriers or insulators.


One thing is for sure and that is that heat is nowhere near as bad as it seems since it is needed for your vehicle to operate. It's when heat is present in an excessive amount that it becomes dangerous not just for your car but for you too. Although you can prevent this from happening by using the right coolant and by avoiding pushing your car to the limit every time you drive it sometimes you need to apply a heat shield. As long as you use the right type of heat shield you're good to go and your vehicle's components will last you a long time. Sometimes even longer than expected.